About Us

The Pine Lakes Residential Community, Inc is a diverse community of homeowners, professionals, and families located in the Northeast quadrant of Strongsville, Ohio and incorporated under the laws of the State of Ohio.
This pleasant and quiet community includes Pine Lakes North and South along with Pine Lakes Crossing and Pine Lakes Reserve (a cluster home section).  We have approximately 240 acres of land which over 30 acres are common grounds. 
Here is a Pine Lakes Map.
Included in this community of approximately 549 homes, is the common property owned and maintained by the Association. This includes;
  • a clubhouse in Pine Lakes South that is available for rent to all association members
  • two tennis courts
  • three playgrounds
  • a lighted pavilion with picnic tables and outdoor grills
  • two ponds
  • a gazebo
  • both asphalt and gravel walking paths dispersed throughout Pine Lakes Village North
  • and other common grassy and wooded areas throughout the community.
Pine Lakes Residential Community, Inc. is a covenant community. All property owners immediately become members of Pine Lakes Residential Community, Inc upon purchase of their home or cluster home and are legally bound by the Declaration of Covenant and Restrictions and Pine Lakes Residential Community by Laws.
Our annual dues are collected from each property owner in the amount of $225.00 and are collected each calendar year by March.  All homes and cluster homes pay this annual amount.  Our Pine Lakes Reserve Cluster homes have an additional fee, for maintenance, of $119.00 per month that is billed quarterly.  The maintenance that is covered for the cluster homes only is, lawn and flower bed maintenance along with snow removal.  Again, ONLY the cluster homes have these maintenance services.
Pine Lakes Residential Community Amendment to by Laws, Pine Lakes Reserve by Laws and Elected Board of Directors have the power and authority of maintaining and administering the community properties and facilities and administering and enforcing the covenants and restrictions including all official association By Laws.
Welcome New Residents!  Below are some documents you will find helpful.  
Here is a copy of our Pine Lakes Community Handbook to welcome you.  It is not our full By-Laws, you can see those below.
*** NOTE: Please know that the Pine Lakes Residential Community does not have any additional restrictions or requirements beyond the City of Strongsville regarding Fences, Sheds and Pool/Spas on your property, as long as it does not encroach on Pine Lakes Community Common grounds and you are not in the Reserve cluster home section.
Pine Lakes By Laws and Covenants for All residents:
Additional Pine Lakes By Laws and Covenants for The Reserve Cluster Home residents only: